Monday, June 24, 2013

Adios Uruguay, Hola Buenos Aires

"La Mano"
Hello everyone!  Sorry for the late blog, but we've been busy traveling and getting situated again.  On Saturday, June 22, our group left Montevideo and took a city tour of the city Punta del Este in Uruguay.  This city is known for being a get away for Argentinians and the higher class.  On the coast, Chilean artist Mario Irarrázabal sculpted what is known in English as "The Hand", which was originally made to warn swimmers that the waves were rougher in this area.  On the right, Bryan Gruenewald, Peter Buschkopf, and Sarah Helwig pose in front of "La Mano".

Spanish is serious business

Sunday was a free day, so everyone took the opportunity to catch up on sleep or homework.  Today, we went back to school at Amauta.  As you can see from the picture, we're serious about our Spanish studies.

Jardín Japonés

After classes, our group decided to head to "Jardín Japonés" or "Japanese Garden".  Located in the Barrio of Palermo, this garden is one of the largest of its kind in the World (outside of Japan) and contains a variety of sculptures and gardens.

-Nate Solofra

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely love the "serious business" photo ... and the sculpture is way cool too.
